Coin of Greed

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The coin is just as strong as when Garl Glittergold first made it and has the power to turn the most charitable of people into avaricious fiends if the circumstances are right.

Each day the coin remains in a persons' possession, that person must make a Charisma saving throw against a DC ranging from 8 to 20, depending on how unjust the deal for acquiring the coin was. If the person fails this check they will acquire a "greed point". The effects of greed points are detailed below. If the person spends one day away from the coin, they lose all greed points.

1-3 Greed Points: The person must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw to willfully get rid of the coin without receiving something of greater value in return.

4-5 Greed Points: Same as earlier, but this check applies to all belongings worth l0 gp or more.

6-8 Greed Points: Same as earlier, but the check applies to all belongings worth at least 1 sp.

9+ Greed Points: Same as earlier, but the check applies to all material wealth. For this check, consuming food counts as getting rid of it.