The Clip Show Episode

Main tower of the order of seven

The Clip Show Episode
Birds of a Feather
Date PlayedJuly (7) 30, 2022
Game DateTosey (5) 23, 283
Notable Cities
Previous SessionThe Red Haired Man
Next SessionInitiation into the Order

A mosaic of the seven wandering dukes with rod of seven parts in a massive room sized bird bath, that is the main room. Bird cage elevators

In the middle of the room is the reception desk, manned by Ka a crow

Sliver took lead and spoke with Ka, Sliver stayed up all night

Crir, Eg, Ruf, Cruk (Sliver of Straw's Father), Huas, Ooceag, Stennan Gloomwing (Human) are the 7 Masters of the order

Report to the council, rester came in high, drunk

Sliver knocked and walked through the glass

Council asks Sliver and Rester to leave, sliver walks through another window while leaving

Flock get taken to Salleeks office, decorated with two warhammers on the wall behind her.

Dania decided to head to the archives, and asked the page about books pertaining to the order of the spiderwolf and instances of the rod vanishing

Dania talked with the page about a great deal, about rumors of cults

Dania got a good description of the rod and its characteristics

Rumor of a cult in Hovedstat summoning the obyrith Pale Night

Asked about how demons get to the material plane, learned that they need to be summoned, more powerful demons can sent lesser demons through but not themselves

Demons can more easily get here through cracks when a convergence of spheres is near

Last convergence was 283 years ago

Current emperor is rumored to be ill, and is also 200+ years old

Stilfurt is the most technologically/magically advanced society

Tax increase in stifurt

Dissidents in poorer areas of stilfurt, rumors of a new rebellion forming

Numerous people have gone missing in darkwell

Emperor used weapon to help stop the black rebellion 20 years ago

15 years ago, the lightning rail project was started

Rester attempts to summon a demon in the middle of idrust, gets arrested

In the interrogation room, he is questioned about what he was doing, claiming it was for the greater good

Investigators are speechless at how rester admitted to his crime, just then resters lawyer comes in, Mr. Roosterman (a human wearing a rooster costume with a tie, completely naked underneath except for another tie)

Rester managed to keep a single item with him, his ball bearings

Climbed into the lawyers giant costume when the investigators left to talk with the DA about a reduced sentence

They came back, forced the lawyer to disrobe, rester threw out his ball bearings and the cops slipped and fell

Rester walked out like he was free to go and no one stopped him

DM rolled like complete garbage, allowing Rester to stroll out with a good amount of his gear

Just as rester was about to walk out the front door, a voice from behind shouted stop that bird, rester mimicking a different voice said which bird and managed to confuse the whole police force

Rester walked out a free man

Floor7, section38, room8b is slivers room, looks the same as when sliver was a child, immaculately clean, city floor mat, little cast, paintings of the various family members in the order, nightstand has portrait of sliver and brother

Sliver diary entry, graduation from the order

Rester passes out on the bed

Dania and sliver make their way back to the council, got told that they're not going to send them out until the after the next initiation, on the first

Sliver discovers rester in their bed

Dania stays in Idrust archives, to be used at a later date (7, 17), also reads through potential rod sightings

The flock finalizes the last things with their business. Made a profit of 214.29gp

Got escorted into the waiting room for the initiation, salleek snaps talons and the group appears in darkness