Aberrant Dragonmarks

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Aberrant Dragonmarks
Eyes of the Lich Queen - The Adventures of NKG
Date PlayedMay (5) 5, 2018
Game DateUnknown
Notable NPCs
Notable Cities
Previous SessionInto the Jungle
Next SessionChasing the Emerald Claw

Our adventurers, after managing to defeat the guardian of the Temple, collected the two remaining items, a scepter and an amulet. On the way back to Adderport, their path was blocked by a woman and her 12 guards, members of the Emerald Claw. Dura was making demands that they hand over an item called the Dragon's Eye, or be forced to take it. Our adventurers, having no idea what this Dragon's Eye was, tells Dura as much to no avail. She orders her men to kill our adventurers so they can just take the Dragon's Eye from their corpse. Georgy, jumping into action, removes a bead from his Necklace of Fireballs and tosses it at Dura, inflicting a devastating blow to her and her guards. Seeing that she picked poorly in this battle, Dura fled through the use of a teleportation spell. Finishing off the rest of the Emerald Claw soldiers, save for one, they proceeded to scare the literal shit an piss out of him, gaining information about Emerald Claw hideouts in Adderport and Korth. After returning to Adderport, our adventurers found that they suddenly had aberrant dragonmarks. Not knowing what they were, they headed to Sur'kil and gave him the scepter and amulet, receiving 5000gp for both items, as well as the rest of the money they discussed, 250gp each. Sur'kil took this time to do some research into these aberrant dragonmarks, and to learn more about the Dragon's Eye and everything else our adventurers had learned.
Taking some downtime in Adderport, our adventurers took to the shops to spend some of their hard earned money. Eventually Georgy realized he was being haunted by a ghost and made his way to a temple to communicate with it, and if necessary, exorcise it. He found out that it was his father, Sigmund Falanar, and that Sigmund was warning Georgy of a danger that he or his mother, Philipa Sharpie, faced. Being pulled back to the afterlife before he could tell Georgy more, Georgy was left with a feeling of pride and accomplishment as he sat there, realizing his mother may still be alive. Sur'kil filled our adventuress in on what he had found, mentioning that these marks had been seen once before on another group of adventurers. He also mention all of them died within a year of manifesting these marks, except for one, Jheamast. Offering to pay our adventurers another 500gp per week, to hire them for another four weeks. Accepting his offer, they finished their business in Adderport and boarded the Swiftwind, setting a course to Regalport, searching for information about Jheamast's tomb in hopes of finding the key to their aberrant dragonmarks. When they arrived in Regalport, Georgy's father contacted him through Konrad, saying that an innocent man was to be executed at dawn, and that he wanted Georgy to save his life. Taking the time to visit this prisoner, Matthew Arandel, they learned nothing from him. Konrad began to provoke the guards, who dragged him off to another cell and began beating him with magic. Georgy, first calling away one of the guards and then scaring the other out, released Konrad and waited for the first to return. Nexa, in the meantime, began to free Matthew, and attempted to disguise him to look like he was her brother. Knocking out the first guard, Konrad and Georgy began to harass him and wanted to begin beating him with the sword he beat Konrad with. Georgy, realizing that the sword was not magical, understood that this guard was using magic, and he probably didn't have a license. The guard changed his tone quick and let them leave. Let's just say that our adventurers are no longer welcome in Reagalport. Matthew gave our adventurers an IOU worth 50,000gp if taken to the bank in Greenheart. Before departing, our adventurers asked Matthew about Jheamast. Recognizing the name, he tells them that it's rumored a man named Elias ir'Veldras had found it two years ago, but he has since vanished. However, a journal of his was recently purchased by a Karrnathi name Vorgaard, and was being displayed at his estate on the mainland near the straits. As soon as that information left Matthew's mouth, our adventurer's heard footsteps behind them, and saw a man running for the docks. Catching him quickly, Konrad tackled him, but he just laughed, saying it was too late, his friends would already be leaving, as he pulled a used sending stone out of his pocket. Making haste to the docks, our adventurers could see a ship already heading out of the harbor ahead of them. Hurrying to the Swiftwind, our adventurers told the captain to get the ship moving and to follow the ship that left ahead of them. Rallying his crew, the shoved off in record time, chasing the ship on to the horizon.