Initiation into the Order

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Initiation into the Order
Birds of a Feather
Date PlayedSeptember (9) 3, 2022
Game DateIverly (6) 1, 283
Notable Cities
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After being ushered into the initiation hall, our flock finds themselves waiting with two other groups of initiates. Before they can begin any small talk, Salleek enters and orders them to assemble into their teams. Salleek gave them all one directive, "Assemble the Rod." With a click of her talons, our Flock found themselves teleported into a dark, mysterious room. The sudden ignition of a brazier in the center of the room illuminated their surroundings. To their dismay, they realized they were stripped of their weapons, armor, and magical items.

Undeterred, the Flock explored the room, uncovering weapon racks and crates. Equipping themselves with newfound gear, they prepared for what lay ahead. Just as they were about to leave, giant metallic footsteps echoed through the chamber originating from the other side of the door. Rester, the keen-eared member of the group, peered through a door to witness a massive construct approaching. Our flock prepares themselves for a fight and waits as the footsteps of the construct grow louder and louder. A few tense moments pass and then the footsteps begin to gout quieter. Peeking out the door again, Rester confirms the construct has walked past their door and has continued down the corridor.

With the construct passing by, our Flock made the unanimous decision to explore in the opposite direction of the construct. Their exploration led to the discovery of a four-way intersection; one path continuing the corridor, one path barred by a portcullis leading into a small chamber, and one path a corridor heading towards the center of the complex. Dania decides to investigate the barred room and discovers a large platform with writing. The writing reads "Though Chaos reigns, let justice be done. Behold! Law is King." Sliver and Rester follow the corridor toward the central chamber. Entering the chamber, the echoes of combat reverberated from where the construct had gone earlier.

The central chamber was seven-sided and massive, at least 125ft across. Split down the middle by a ravine with a rickety bridge crossing it, one side protected by a pair of ballistae and sandbag barricades, the other holding a raised dais containing a lone statue. Not wanting the ballista to be used against them, Sliver takes the time to disable one of them. While doing this, they notice the ravine is filled with clear water and several skeletons lay at the bottom, one of which holds a bag. As Rester begins to cross the bridge to investigate the statue, the sounds of battles ceased and the giant metallic footsteps began heading in their direction.

Sliver, seeing no better place to hide, dives into the water below and claims the bag. Rester, undeterred by the approaching construct, investigates the statue and discovers that it is holding a segment of the Mock Rod of Seven Parts, measuring 15 inches. Dania has made their way into the central chamber and ducks behind the wall. The construct grows closer, appears in the four-way intersection, and walks through the portcullis as if it weren't there stepping onto the platform. It remains motionless, seemingly deactivated. Sliver takes a chance to rummage through the bag and discovers another segment of the Mock Rod of Seven Parts measuring 8 inches.

Suddenly the construct resumed its patrol, heading clockwise. Our Flock, still not wanting to risk engaging the construct, headed counterclockwise. Following the corridor back past where they entered, they stumbled upon a brazier embedded in a wall, possessing the Master's Amulet. An inscription on the edge of the brazier reads "Greatness is forged in fire." Using their mage hand, Dania easily retires the amulet and entrusts it to Rester. Continuing their exploration, they entered a library where they encountered the Russian Nesting Ooze, a creature containing sentient armor and swords. Sliver became engulfed by the ooze but managed to break free. Defeating the ooze was no small task. After the tense battle, Dania investigates the library and discovers a book about the patroling construct. Rester managed to make out that the construct was once again headed in their direction.

Our Flock presses forward and discovers the end result of the battle they heard earlier, the lifeless bodies of Birdfolk warriors who had previously battled the construct. Dania stabilized one of the Bridfolk, named Qhook, who decided to join their ranks. Notably, the Flock realized that the construct's footsteps had halted right outside the room they were in. Sliver slowly cracked the door and peeked through seeing the legs of the giant construct standing right outside. Sliver narrowly slipped past the construct and attempted to subdue it, the construct attacked Sliver, claiming its duty was to protect its master. Qhook shits himself in fear and hides in the corner. Chaos ensued, and Dania suddenly realized that the amulet was the key to controlling the construct. With Rester's command, the construct shifted allegiance to protect the Flock. Closely inspecting his new guard construct, he realizes the tip of its helmet is the tip of the Mock Rod of Many Parts, measuring ??? inches.

Guarded by their newfound ally, our Flock continued their exploration, eventually encountering a lava rift. Sliver, using their flying abilities, landed on a lone platform containing a locked chest. As they landed, the platform began to sink under their weight. Sliver, undeterred attempted to strike the lock and gain access to the contents of the chest. The Flock's teamwork shone once more as Dania cooled the lava to slow the platform's descent. Sliver managed to strike the lock once more breaking it and claiming another segment of the Mock Rod of Many Parts.

Moving onward, the Flock found themselves in front of a door leaking water from underneath. Through clever magical manipulation, they released the pressure keeping the door shut, granting them entry. Inside, they discovered yet another segment of the Mock Rod of Many Parts, this time as a loose lever. Returning to the charging room, Dania's magical prowess revealed that Qhook was in possession of the last segment. Sliver takes the last segment of the Mock Rod of Many Parts from Qhook, and he turns to snow. With this final piece in hand, our Flock was ready to complete the assembly of the Mock Rod of Many Parts. Dania assembled the rod and handed it to Sliver, with Rester commanding the construct to safeguard Sliver.

Placing the rod within the hands of the statue in the central chamber. The Queen of Chaos emerged, and a fierce battle erupted. The Queen of Chaos quickly polymorphs the construct, transforming it into a mechanical horse. Rester mounts the construct and attempts to knock the Queen of Choas into the ravine, only to discover she can fly on a jet of water. Amidst the chaos, Rester found himself under the Queen's control, attacking Dania. Rester barely manages to break free from the Queen of Chaos's control. The battle continues with Sliver risking their life to defeat the Queen of Chaos, however, Dania was knocked unconscious, and Rester was launched into the ceiling, then plummeted into the water below. Sliver cuts their way inside the Queen's simulacrum, and grabs onto the Queen of Chaos's heart, their tenacity impressing all. The Queen of Chaos manages to reach within herself, ripping both Sliver and her heart away, causing her to turn to snow.

In a climactic moment, the Flock was suddenly transported back to the council chamber. With Dania and Rester revived, they were hailed as heroes, and Rester was inducted as an official member of the esteemed Order of Seven.